Friday, July 24, 2009

Lots of Cars

Cars come and go - but we still counted more than 400 vehicles participating in the Cruise-In tonight. Photos are forthcoming - as well as information about those two sleek, sexy cars that were parked at the stoplight. They were quite a rare sighting. And the winner of the 50/50 raffle took home $165 tonight!
The Rattlesnake shown here has a very unique paint on it that looks red, brown, purple or green, depending upon the angle of the light. The paint itself runs about $800 a quart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Oakboro is a very nice cruise-in but I am afraid you need to drop the banner as the largest Downtown cruise-in in North Carolina. The Downtown Mooresville Cruise-In is averaging close to 700 cars with approx 6,000
folks in attendance.